Audience Research.
Due to my target audience being the pupils at my school, I decided to make the age of my target audience the age of the pupils at my school which is 11-19 years old.
To make my magazine appeal to a broader audience I decided to collect some results using SurveyMonkey, with these results I will be able to create the Cover and Contents page accordingly to the results I get which should show what appeals the most to the audience. Although my secondary target audience will be mainly the parents of the students, I think that I should direct the magazine towards the primary target audience but use understandable writing and grammar so the secondary audience is also targeted.
The results from my first question show me that the 7 people that took my survey are between the ages of 11-19, these results compliment my target audience as my target audience is 11-19 year olds. This gives me a more reliable set of results as it gets an opinion for someone who is younger than 15-19, and the opinion of people who are older and are 15-19 years old.
The results from my second question show that the genders of the people that took that survey aren't equal, as there were 5 females and 2 females, I think that this doesn't convey the overall gender ratio of the whole school, which is roughly equal, but because it was only between 7 people, there just happened to be more Females than Males. When thinking about my target audience I think if I used a broader set of results from more people, I would find a more equal ratio between genders, so my cover and contents page should be appealing to both genders.
My third question is about the household income this shows the amount of people that may be reading the magazine are of a wealthier background so might be more inclined to actually purchase copies of the magazine. The results from this question might not convey the results that would have been received from the whole school but it does show that the majority of people are from a household with lower household income.
The fourth question I asked is about the ethnicity of the 7 people that took my survey. The majority of the people were white/caucasian and one other person was hispanic/latino. This shows me that the majority of people that will read my magazine will be White and British so I can put content that is mainly for white and british people, where as if I has a group of people with a with a wider group of ethnicities I would have to use content that is interracial.
The fifth question is asking what the people's sexuality is. The results show that 6 of them are Heterosexual and 1 of them is Homosexual. This means that my target audience will most likely be majorly Heterosexuals, but there will still be people with other sexualities.
Question number 6 is asking them whether they read the school magazine or not. From my results I can clearly see that the majority of the students do not read the college magazine, and the minority only sometimes read the college magazine. No-one chose the answer yes which shows me that the current college magazine may not be interesting or appealing enough for them to read it.
The seventh question asks what they do not like about the magazine. 4 of the people that answered chose "The Content" as the reason they do not like the magazine, this shows that they may find the content of the magazine uninteresting so they choose not to read it. The other 3 people each chose "The quality", "The cover" and "The layout" as their reasons for not reading the magazine, this shows that other people do not read it for reasons mainly to do with the look of the magazine.
The eighth question asks them whether they would read the magazine if it was more appealing and the quality was improved. The results show that 4 out of 7 chose the option yes, this means that more people would read the magazine if it was more appealing, therefore I need to make sure that the magazine I create is of a good quality. 3 out of 7 people said no to the question. This means that I would have to do more to try to get them to read the magazine.
My next question is asking what kind of magazines they usually read. There was a mixed set of results which shows that the audience will most likely all have different tastes in magazine. This means that I would have to try and cover all kinds of different content inside, and make the cover appealing to people that have all different tastes.
The last question I asked was about whether they would be willing to pay money for the magazines. The results show that the majority of the people would not be willing to pay for a school magazine, which is a drawback for the school. It is a drawback because if the target audience want a magazine of a higher quality, the magazine would cost a lot more to make, therefore the school would lose money. But if the magazine did cost something, the amount of readers would decrease heavily due to the fact that they would not be willing to pay for the magazine.
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