Saturday, 6 December 2014

Researching Shot Types

There are many different shot types that are used in photos and videos that give many different looks. I have researched the different shot types and recreated each one in a video, these are screenshots of the shot types I had in the video.
 Extreme long shot, taken a long way from the subject, used mainly to show the scenery and the subject of the photograph clearly.
 Long shot, taken closer than an extreme long shot, usually shows the whole person in the photo/video to show clothing and some scenery.
 Medium long shot, shows about three quarters of the person usually from the knees up to show mise-en-scene and subject clearly.
 Medium shot, from the waist up, shows the subject clearly but also gives some scenery.
 Cut in shot, shows a part of the subject in alot of detail, to get full attention for one part.

 Close up shot, usually of the subjects face, close to show the facial expression so the audience knows how the subject is feeling, can be head and shoulders or just head.
 Extreme close up, to show detail in a specific part of the subject's face, usually the eyes, and creates drama.
 Worm's eye, view of the subject from the ground to make the subject seem giant and superior and shows just sky as the background.
Low angle, from any where below eye line looking up at the subject, used mainly to give the audience an inferior feeling and shows mainly sky as the background.
 High angle, from above the eye line, makes the subject look less powerful and shows more scenery as the background.

Birds eye view, from directly above the subject makes the subject seem insignificant and unrecognisable to the audience by showing whats all around the subject.

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