Thursday, 29 January 2015

Constructing my Contents Page

 To start my contents page I had to create a new blank document of an A4 size to serve as the template for my page.
I then added all of the borders onto the page using the line tool. I decided to use borders because I saw it used in the Q magazine and liked how it looked.
 Afterwards I went back to my cover page and copied the masthead, I then put it sideways and sized it down using the resize tool and holding shift to get the correct proportions.
I also wrote the word Contents in Bebas Neue and left it black, putting it to the centre of the top of the page using the grid tool to make sure the masthead is centered.

I then went onto illustrator and used the pencil tool to draw the vertical line for the two decorations on either sides of the masthead that frame it. I then used the pencil tool again to draw the horizontal lines and using illustrator I could make sure the lines were straight and the same length. I then screenshotted the lines and layered them onto my contents page, once I had the one on the left in position I duplicated the layer and flipped the lines, moving it to match the left one. 

Then I added the magazine's slogan underneath the masthead, using the grid tool again to assure that it was centred, the slogan was in Georgia to keep the fonts consistent with the cover page.

I then used the shape tool and selected the ellipse tool, I held down shift to get the circle perfectly circular and once I had it the right size I centered it. I then used the dropper tool to get the colour from the magazine's title and used the paint bucket tool to fill the circle with that colour. 

Next I wrote 'Issue' in the font Bebas Neue in a white colour and resized it to fit inside the circle. I then used the move tool to move it into the circle.

I repeated the step from before but with the issue number '243' I decided to make the number bigger so it looked abit more exciting.

I then went back to illustrator and drew a long horizontal line with a small vertical line on the end, using the tools to make sure that the lines were perfectly centered and not at angles. I then screenshotted this and added it to a layer on my page placing it to the left of the circle I made in the previous steps, then duplicating the layer and flipping it to mirror the other.

Then I used the rectangle tool and drew a rectangle below the lines to the left of the circle, filling it with the same colour as the circle using the dropper and paint bucket tools.

Next I added the word features in a Bebas Neue font and a white colour to contrast the red layering it over the rectangle.

I then got the photo of my model I wanted and cropped it into a square to make it fit under the features heading. I then used the resize tool to make the photo smaller and used shift whilst resizing to keep the proportions correct.
Afterwards I added the featured article title underneath the photo of my model in the Bebas Neue font keeping it centered.
I then added the same image of the cursor that I used on the cover and dragged it over the contents page layering it over the photo of my model.

Next I added the Page number underneath the featured article's title. To do this I drew a rectangle using the rectangle tool and filled it in using the same colour as the colour of the magazine's name Noise. The page numbers are in  Bebas Neue as the font is quite rectangular and fits in well with conventions of contents.
I then added the summary sentence for the article in the magazine's red because it is one of the featured articles. I chose Georgia for the font because it works to keep the hierarchy of the page.
I then drew a line with the line tool underneath the first contents section.

I then repeated this with the rest of the column of contents.

Next I added the second photo of the guitar placing it onto the page using the Move tool and resizing it to fit inside the column.

I then added the page number for the article the same way I did for the other column, using the Bebas Neue font in a white colour and placing it over a red rectangle drawn using the rectangle tool.

I then added the Band's name next to the page number in the font Thirsty Script to keep with the front cover and feature pages using the colour black to contrast well with the white background.

Afterwards I added the summary text for the feature article in the font Georgia like I did with the first column.

Below this I added a line and started my second contents column by repeating what I did in the first column, I started with the page number in the font Bebas Neue and placed it on a red rectangle drawn using the rectangle tool.

Then I put the band name in the Bebas Neue font in black to make it stand out from the Georgia font and to match the first column.
Then I added the article summary in the font Georgia and a black colour.

I repeated this with the rest of the articles adding a line underneath using the line tool to complete the second column of articles.
 Next I added the third image of Lewis beside the second column using the move tool and resizing it to the correct size, making sure that the second column was the same width as the first to keep a consistent look.
 Then I added my editors comment using a text box and sizing it to the correct size, then using the font Georgia in black, I typed it in italics to make it stand out from the contents but still used the same font so it doesn't draw attention and distract the reader.
Lastly I added the page number and footer to the bottom of the page underneath the line which was quite conventional. I used the font Georgia and a black colour and kept it the same size as the text on the contents page to keep a consistent look and a clear hierarchy.

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